Savage Amusement

3rd July 1978

The Warehouse Theatre, RSC

Savage Amusement was first performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Warehouse Theatre, London, on 3rd July 1978, with the following cast.

"It is the minimum duty of a civilised society to protect everyone against harassment in his home, and arbitrary eviction"
Richard Crossman, Minister of Housing 1965

"It is not necessary to go as far as South Africa to observe the reality of second class citizenship. Deprived families, herded together, are to be seen in every major British inner city. Manchester's Hulme bears all the sociological characteristics of a Bantustan reservation."
Paul Hannon, War on Want 1977

The play was published by Rex Collings in association with the RSC.

Savage Amusement

Written by Peter Flannery

Creative Team

DirectorJohn Caird
DesignerChris Dyer
LightingBrian Wigney
SoundJohn Leonard
MusicMick Ford and Rob Hickson
Stage Manager Susan Storr
Deputy Stage Manager Jane Tamlyn
Assistant Stage Manager Cathie Coulson


Olly Charles Wegner
Stephen Iain Mitchell
Fitz David Threlfall
Hazel Jill Baker
Ali Lesley Manville